There are some ladies in my life for whom I am so grateful!
Kimmy, my little sis. The first one I call. The one I need when it's really scary.
My Wonderful Mom. She holds the story of where I come from. Essential to help me interpret the world around me, to guide and protect me.
Barb my stepmom extraordinaire. Not only do I love her...I also like her very much. She has pulled two families together and made one.
Gina, my other sister. Funny, sassy, smart. How lucky am I....
Donna, my BFF. The one who knows too much. She reads me like a book. Tells me when I'm wrong and loves me anyway.
Jody, my friend forever. She will always know me. We were children together, we were teenagers together, we were young women together, we will grow old together.
Bec, the sister of my heart. You amaze me.
Virginia and Mary Jane. How lucky am I to have both of my grandmothers! I love you both so much.
Kelli, my fire girl. She gets it. In a way no one else ever can.
Tina and Stacy, my soul sisters. When they get a break from being mommies we pick right up where we left off.
Junie B. My dear friend in the fight of her life. Hang in there girl! I've got your back.
Cindy, Beth and Kathy. The gals of team June. Oh boy...who knew. Thank god for all of you!
And last but in no way least....my lovies Maggie and Rescue. To the rest of the world you are just dogs but to me you are my breath and life. Thank you for loving me and making me laugh.