(that's all)
(oh yeah...I biked to work was fun)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Bike To Work Day 2
Can I just say that one of these looks much bigger when you are on a bike.
I'm not sure who was more startled, me or the deer, when he/she ran in front of me today.
It was a little chilly this morning but Sunday mornings are so quiet it was worth the shiver that didn't leave until about 9am.
I made it in 35 minutes...shave off 5 minutes...probably not having to wait at lights.
Having some trouble with my right shoe clip...very frustrating!
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5:16 PM
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Saturday, April 26, 2008
A Girl And Her Dehumidifier
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6:42 AM
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Friday, April 25, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I think a 40 minute bike ride and a 40 minute row on the same day at the current level of fitness might have been a mistake.
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7:36 PM
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Bike To Work Episode 1
If you can bike to work....DO IT!!!!!!
So much fun.
I did a test ride on Sunday. Just to cover the distance, see how long it would take, see if I could get my fat...hmm...up the hills.
Sunday was great!
So Monday morning, off I went. I left at 7am anticipating a ride of about 40 minutes, just over 7 miles.
I found a nice route that kept me off the main thoroughfares and minimized the hills...
I'd been packing my work stuff in my pannier bags for a month or so trying to figure out what I really needed and what I could leave behind. Two bags carried my laptop, any clothes I needed, my lunch, purse and a book.
The ride was so nice. It was cool enough for long sleeves but warm enough for shorts.
I was struck by how many people said good morning. What a nice way to start the day.
On my ride how this morning I stopped and talked to some kids waiting for the school bus. They asked if I was in a race :-) We talked about Earth Day and what they were doing in school today to celebrate.
It was cooler and I had to stop and pull on some long pants.
There is one hill on the way to work and one hill on the way home that I really HATE. I look forward to my fitness improving so those hills don't kick my butt so bad.
A few dogs give chase but I don't really think their hearts are in it...except one little Jack Russell...I think he thought he could take me.
So...Happy Earth Day on!
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8:32 AM
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Monday, April 21, 2008
Happy Earth Day!
Sorta seems like this is a holiday made just for me! And other greenies like me.
To celebrate Earth Day I will ride my bike home from work in the morning ('s technically not Earth Day yet but...) where I will eat some earth friendly breakfast, take a four minute shower, hang some clothes out up to dry and then...then I will have to get in my pollution spewing suv and drive to about 14 different places.
Here is the place where if I was a 'quality' blogger I would have lists of links and events to celebrate our earth. But you know...I mostly blog sort of...well...sort of what ever comes to mind.
I think about posts and occasionally start one that I plan to work on but...I get side tracked.
...where was I...oh, yeah...Earth Day. Right.
Ummm...I held a 13 day old Alison today while I helped her family meet with the funeral home. Alison's great grandma passed away 3 days ago. Life begins, life ends. Alison's GG was a neat lady. Fiery, funny, nosy, quick with a laugh and a correction if needed. She's been a fixture at the police and fire credit union for 40 years. She'll be missed. Alison will carry on where Edna left off.
So tomorrow for Earth Day I'll be getting new dress uniform pants...I need many more bikes to work before my current ones are comfy again, dropping my class A's at the dry cleaner, running this errand, making that phone call.
Right after I bike home from work.
Posted by
8:10 PM
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A Little Cat Nap
The dog bed covers needed a wash (the dogs got a wash, too) and Tasha found a soft place to nap.
I took a nap as well.
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8:33 AM
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Sunday, April 20, 2008
We're Smoking Again!!
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9:12 AM
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Friday, April 18, 2008
Just Because I'm A Public Employee Doesn't Mean I Should Have To Clean Up After You
Unless you are on fire that is...and even then we don't really 'clean'. Actually we make quite a mess...
But I digress...
Just now...sitting in the station with the bay doors open. Sitting in the day room that I JUST mopped.
A guy pulls up in a pickup truck, walks into the station to ask for some directions.
It looked like he had been knee deep in mud.
So I mopped again.
Some people have no manners.
Posted by
10:02 AM
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Thursday, April 17, 2008
So very, very, VERY tired of the wind.
On another note...
Now while I don't have my clothesline up yet I will improvise and hang my laundry outside...and maybe, just maybe...get my act together and start working on my clothesline.
Who's with me...even if just 1 t-shirt for just 1 day?
Posted by
8:14 AM
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Monday, April 14, 2008
For Brandy
"They will not go quietly,the dogs who've shared our lives.
In subtle ways they let us know their spirit still survives.
Old habits still make us think we hear a barking at the door.
Or step back when we drop a tasty morsel on the floor.
Our feet still go around the place the food dish used to be,
And, sometimes, coming home at night, we miss them terribly.
And although time may bring new friends and a new food dish to fill,
That one place in our heart belongs to them...and always will."
...and also for Baxter, Cleo, Rib, Tater, Casey, Murphy, Patch, Spike, Kelley, Annie, Shadow, Lady, Rusty, Fritz, Winston and all the other pups we've loved.
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8:54 AM
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Sunday, April 13, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
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9:12 AM
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Monday, April 07, 2008
Rock Chalk
Tried to put this on several times today...finally worked.
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7:08 PM
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Sunday, April 06, 2008
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Our Father, who art in Lawrence,
Hallowed be thy Game.
Thy tourney come,
Thy championship will be done,
In San Antonio as it is in Allen Field House.
Give us this day our deserved victories.
And forgive us our turnovers,
As we forgive Roy who double-crossed against us.
And lead us not into defeat,
But deliver us from East Coast bias,
For Kansas is the basketball kingdom,
And the tradition,
And the glory,
For ever and ever.
(This was sent to me by my Jayhawk buddy idea who the author is)
Posted by
11:50 AM
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If I Get A Minute
I remember the lazy afternoons in January and February. Spent dozing on the futon with a good book and the critters snoring near me.
Yeah...I'd nap if I got a minute.
Rowing is in full swing. Filling my afternoons (and some evenings and most Saturdays) with goofy teenagers, interesting adults (they're goofy, too), sunshine, and water.
Yesterday was sooo much fun. The kids had a great row. Relaxed and productive. Everyone is improving and enjoying our time on the water.
We are slowly getting adjusted to the boatyard. We have a storage shed now. I feel like I've gone to coach heaven...I have somewhere to hang my keys, leave a know...spread out my coaching paraphernalia. Good stuff.
It is much harder to be green when I am so busy.
I have been using the dryer more...when I actually have time to do the laundry.
The recycling has piled up some...Andrew and I will drop it off tomorrow when he comes to spend the day with me.
I noticed this morning that I left several lights on as I sped around getting ready for work.
I'm still striving not to purchase unneeded plastic and refusing all styrofoam. I will begin a compost as soon as I have the time to put together a compost spot. The clothes line will go up...yeah...when I get a minute.
I'm eating on the run and need to put some take home containers in my purse/car so I have options for food. It's interesting how limited my food options are when I'm in a hurry, need to eat and want to eat 'green'. I'll post some of the options I've discovered...again, when I get a minute.
There are several good challenges out right now. Crunchy Chicken has a great Buy Nothing Challenge.
I'll participate but informally.
Chile is challenging us to declutter.
Love it!! But...I'll not commit...only follow along and try...when I get a minute.
Anyhow...driving the big red truck today...feeling a bit like I'm catching a cold.
Maybe the fire gods will smile on us and I'll get a nap...if I get a minute.
(and can I just say how glad I am the spell check is working again!!)
Posted by
7:32 AM
1 comments from my peeps