Saturday, June 13, 2009

Off - Day .4..and 5...and some of 6.

Alternate title.
"Oh Brother"
Yep, more brother drama. And can I just say I am SOOO over it.
Kimmy and I spent Thursday evening (and an annoying chunk of Friday morning) in two different Emergency Rooms with my stupid brother who thinks taking too many prescription meds is a good idea. I think the attention he gets when he "tries to kill himself" is mainly the idea. That and he didn't have anywhere to sleep Thursday night so going to the hospital ensures a bed and a meal.
SOOOO over it.
Next time I'm not even reacting. He can just overdose all he wants. I'm not taking him to the hospital, calling 911, waiting with him while he lays pitifully in the ER, I'm not getting him a sandwich, finding his nurse, making sure he has his toothbrush. I'm just not.
SOOOO over it.
And the TV was on in the ER. And I watched it. But I'm not counting it.
Anyone want to make an issue of it?
Didn't think so...
Friday I was too busy to do anything. The guys at the station had the TV on at dinner but I sat with my back to it. And then I went to my room and went to bed.
Today, car cleaning, bike riding, birthday partying and maybe I'll try to find my buds at Jazz in the Woods...


MUD said...

I for one will never feel bad about what you have done for your brother. You have given him support more than anyone else has. he has to find that part of himself that stays away from drugs and stays away from the destructive behavior. I will hate it if anything bad happens to him but won't hold you in any way responsible. We love you. MUD & Bobwa

Anonymous said...

I thought he was going to a halfway house by friday. Where is he getting those medications? He has to do this on his own now and that is very bad for the rest of the family. He will have to get to the bottom before he can recover and I hope he can do it without killing himself. Dad and Kristy both had sucicidal thoughts and attempts. Hope brother can save himself. Some addicts have several relapses. We all love you for what you do.
Aunt Sue

Cindy said...

Ok, first of all, no issue AT ALL with you watching TV. Actually, I'd recommend it at this point - it's called THERAPY!!

You CANNOT do this for him. Perhaps, not reacting, not doing is exactly what you need to do...

You definitely NEED some jazz therapy. Facing the stage - to the right - down front - big blue tarp - you can't miss me/us. Be there!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

They are all right...this is his life's journey, not your's! And I want to kick his ass for dragging his family which is also my family into his drama...He's an addict and needs to find his own way. I hope he hasn't got much further to go. But Asa Bob, Thanks for the reminder of how unmanageable life is in the throws of addiction...there but by the grace of God go I... Love you Guys!!!

MUD said...

Yes Janet. You and I fit that bill and are better for not drinking or doing drugs. Well, I do have to have some help with my cholesterol and blood pressure but no one's perfect. MUD

Manda said...

You know I'm not even going to mention your brother, but to say that I'm NOT going to mention your brother. :) The TV thing doesn't count cuz the same thing happened to me yesterday! DOESN'T COUNT!!!

Kathy said...

We're on your side. Hang in there.

MUD said...

Jenn, I have been thinking about the Bro Prob and have reconsidered at least a part of my comment. At least a part of the problem has to stem from the problems he got from his Dad and Grandfather. The fact that we don't have to deal with the highs and lows makes it easy(ier) for us to live a normal life. That same differece makes it harder for us to understand why the hell they just don't get over it. I know that when push comes to shove you'll be there to help and the world's a better place for it. I do share your frustration in the matter and you know we love you. MUD & Bobwa

Amy said...

I can't decide if I want to slap the piss out of Bob or hug him. How is he getting these meds? Hang in there. You can lead a horse to water...or a drugy to rehab...He will ultimately decide if he wants to sober up and live or get high and die. It sucks we have no say in the matter but we don't. Whatever you do you know I will always support you...and you're right, it doesn't count! Love you and am giving you a cyber hug!

carrie said...

I was just reading all of the comments from everyone, and we have a GREAT FAMILY!!! We are there for each other but know when we need to help ourselves. Well, Bob doesn't know that, but the rest of us try to take care of ourselves, and when to ask for help. If my boys became addicts, I'm not sure how I would react to it, but I hope I would respond like Jenn, Kim and Katie. You are there for Bob when he is ready to turn his life around, but he is the only one in the drivers seat and needs to figure out the right direction to recovery.