I Hate Commerce Bank
I just named names.
I hate Commerce Bank.
And maybe not for the reasons you might think.
The rowing club has a corporate credit card with Commerce for when we travel. I have a generous limit and Jeff pays it off immediately.
But often I cannot use it.
You see, Commerce has a policy that I can only use my limit once in any 30 day billing period. So even if our balance is $0 if we've traveled once already in that billing cycle...I can't use the card.
Tricky when we often have regattas two or three weeks apart.
But that's not why I hate Commerce Bank.
1000 Commerce business customers had cards that they suspected had been compromised. So at midnight on Friday they deactivated the cards. My card. And I was in Des Moines, IA with the team. A phone call would have been nice. An email. Something.
But even that is not why I hate Commerce Bank.
When I was younger I often cut the finances close paycheck to paycheck. Oh, who am I kidding...I always ran short. I wasn't making any money and I was a lousy manager of what I did have.
Things are better now. I make a nice living. Not millions but enough that I don't have to stretch between checks like before. I don't worry about money. I have a plan and it works.
But I remember what it felt like to have my ATM card denied. Or write a check and have the little check computer spit it back out.
Embarrassment. Despair. Worry.
That is why I hate Commerce Bank.
Because that's how it feels when I use that card and it's declined.
It's like being poor all over again.