Monday, December 31, 2007

Adios 2007

These are the people (and dogs) I enjoyed most in 2007. Along with the rest of my friends and family.

2007 was a year of new experiences, new friends and new challenges...but really, isn't every year!

My goals for 2008:
  • Living a greener life. Decreasing my carbon footprint.
  • Living healthier. Diet, exercise...yada, yada, yada.
  • Continuing to improve my financial position and reach my financial goals.
  • Being more positive with my self and others.

I hope you have had a great 2007 and I wish for you in 2008.... all the things on your list!

Friday, December 28, 2007


It's hard to deny your guilt when you accidentally shut yourself in the bathroom while digging in the trash...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Girl Power Part Two

Yesterday my Mother's side of the family gathered for our annual Petty Christmas. (Petty is my mother's maiden name not a description of our gathering)
I remember as a small child spending Christmas eve at Grandma and Grandpa Petty's house with all my aunts, uncles, cousins and various and assorted cats and dogs.
The house was small and not fancy but it was one of my favorite places on earth. Full of laughter, smiles, hugs, funny stories and long heated debates on everything from religion and politics to the color of the sky.
Kids running through the house, the women in the kitchen talking and cooking, the men in the front room or outside talking and probably watching some game on TV.
Yesterday we all came together at my mother's house in Lawrence. Despite the crazy snow storm almost everyone was there. We missed Bec, Kristy, Ric and their families from Tulsa and David and Barb from Topeka.
As I was enjoying the hubbub it occurred to me that I left an incredibly important group of women out of my Girl Power post.
My Aunts Sue and Barbara, my cousins Janet, Carrie and Kristy, the young gals in the family Amy, Amanda, Melanie and Kristin.
These ladies are the essence of my being. My past, my present, my future. We are all so connected.
No matter how long it's been since we've seen one another or how far apart we move. When we all are together....we're home.

Friday, December 21, 2007

How'd It Get To Be Friday Already...Wasn't It Just September??

I logged on this morning and realized that my last post was on Monday and now it's Friday.
Andrew informed me that it is now only 5 days until Christmas. I don't even remember September or October!
Most of the presents are wrapped. Most of the shopping is done. The folks are in town and the rest of the family arrives tomorrow.
Little Stephen has never seen snow and we have a good chance of some tomorrow afternoon. Hope he has a coat!
I can't promise a post in the next few days so...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Girl Power

There are some ladies in my life for whom I am so grateful!
Kimmy, my little sis. The first one I call. The one I need when it's really scary.
My Wonderful Mom. She holds the story of where I come from. Essential to help me interpret the world around me, to guide and protect me.
Barb my stepmom extraordinaire. Not only do I love her...I also like her very much. She has pulled two families together and made one.
Gina, my other sister. Funny, sassy, smart. How lucky am I....
Donna, my BFF. The one who knows too much. She reads me like a book. Tells me when I'm wrong and loves me anyway.
Jody, my friend forever. She will always know me. We were children together, we were teenagers together, we were young women together, we will grow old together.
Bec, the sister of my heart. You amaze me.
Virginia and Mary Jane. How lucky am I to have both of my grandmothers! I love you both so much.
Kelli, my fire girl. She gets it. In a way no one else ever can.
Tina and Stacy, my soul sisters. When they get a break from being mommies we pick right up where we left off.
Junie B. My dear friend in the fight of her life. Hang in there girl! I've got your back.
Cindy, Beth and Kathy. The gals of team June. Oh boy...who knew. Thank god for all of you!
And last but in no way lovies Maggie and Rescue. To the rest of the world you are just dogs but to me you are my breath and life. Thank you for loving me and making me laugh.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Some Days Are Harder Than Others

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I Know We're Kinda Past The KU/MU Thing...But This Was Too Funny

Four football fans go rock climbing one afternoon,
a Nebraska fan, an Oklahoma fan, a Kansas fan, and a Mizzou fan.

They had been arguing all the way up the mountain about who among them was the most die-hardfan.

Upon reaching the top of the mountain, the Nebraska fan proclaimed to the other three, "THIS IS FOR THE HUSKERS!" and promptly threw himself off the mountain as a form of sacrifice, screaming "GO BIG RED!" as he fell to his death.

Not to be outdone, the Oklahoma fan jumped up and shouted, "THIS IS FOR THE SOONERS!" and threw himself off the mountain.

Refusing to be outdone by the Nebraska and Oklahoma fans, the Kansas fan rose to his feet and yelled at the top of his lungs, "THIS IS FOR THE KANSAS JAYHAWKS!" and without hesitation pushed the Mizzou fan off the mountain.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

We've Been Elfing...

This is the kind of ridiculous thing my family emails around this time of year.
Instead of emailing it I'll let you click on the link if you'd like. It takes it a minute to load.

If you like it let me know and I'll send you the link to the Bates that one's funny! Or maybe my folks...something about Dad dancing in an elf suit...

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Spunky Bastard

My good friend June had brain surgery yesterday.

It's such a powerful sentence. Surgery. On her brain. Your brain is what makes It's where we store our memories, our beliefs, our likes, dislikes, everything.

8 hour surgery.

When I walked into the ICU this morning she was sitting in a chair, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.


She's not fixed. She won't live forever...but then none of us will, will we?
But she was reading and drinking coffee. I was so tired I didn't even make any coffee and I couldn't focus enough to read the paper. Crazy.

You know, after the surgery. When everyone was so relieved and so tired and so sad about the things that the neurosurgeon told us. There was a lot of hugging. And some crying. I wanted so badly to hug and say "she's gonna be okay", "it's gonna be okay". And it will be. Really. Actually. But I just hugged.

And then there she was. With the paper.

What ever the coming months bring I know she will continue to amaze me.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Some of you know that I have a good friend who will be having surgery tomorrow...just wanted to ask for a few extra prayers from those of you who are the praying kind.

That the surgeon's hands will be steady and accurate.

That she will not lose anything that makes her...her.

That we will have a clear picture of the situation post surgery.

That her family will find comfort during this very scary time.

That her friends will be the kind of friends she needs.

That she will come through the surgery without complication, recover quickly and not have a long hospital stay.

I feel like I could go on and on and on....Please just say an extra prayer.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Jenn and the Jackson....Three

We started kindergarten basketball yesterday, oye!

Poor little guys, they had absolutely no idea what was happening and just between you and me...neither did I.

We have an hour and they introduce a skill to the four teams all practicing in the gym. Then we practice for about 25 minutes and then they play a little 'game'.

Yes...we played a GAME on the first day...with five year olds.

It was not pretty.

I will just look forward to the end of our little season when we can marvel at how much they've learned. Please lord, let them learn...

I have nine little guys on my team...I have a Brian, a Grant, a Parker, an Austin, of course my Andrew, a Jack...and THREE Jacksons! When in doubt yell "Jackson"...bound to get someone's attention!

Speaking of attention I was very pleased with their ability to pay attention and follow instructions. Most of my eighth grade boys had difficulty with that. It's a nice change.