14 years ago you were born.
Your Mom wasn't so interested in being a mom so you ended up with me.
Really just by accident.
I wasn't looking for a dog.
But you were supposed to come to me.
Some kind of crazy fate.
We had some rough spots, those first few years.
I wasn't sure we'd survive it.
You were wild.
I mean crazy, bounce off the walls, bug me until I screamed...wild.
Yeah...that kind.
But you were so smart.
And fun.
Oh, the hours and hours we played frisbee.
And you LOVED me.
...and I loved you
We grew a lot together.
You were, in so many ways, my very best friend.
Still are.
We're both older.
I wish dogs lived as long as people.
You don't see as well.
I'm chubbier.
You don't hear as well.
I have more wrinkles.
You're not as quick as you once were.
Me neither.
I wish for you as much more good time as God sees fit.
And long sunny afternoons on the porch.
Some good swims.
Belly rubs and extra treats.
A dog to bark at once in a while.
And that you always feel safe and loved.
Happy birthday.