Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thursday Thirteen (haven't done one of these in a while)

13 very, very random thoughts at 5am.

1. I hate the Fourth of don't get all patriotic on me. I understand the significance and I'll eat hot dogs, drink beer and blow stuff up, same as the next person. But here in the getto they start blowing things up a good week out. I have two skittish dogs who, from the VERY FIRST pop, refuse to go all. So for me the 4th is all about begging the neighbor kid and his buddies to cease and desist for 5 minutes so I can drag the pooches out and hold them in the grass until they realize they can't go back inside until they pee. I hate the 4th of July.

2. My ability to read the radar and predict what will happen at the lake was not so accurate this morning. I cancelled practice and it now appears the rain is over...oh well.

3. It seems I have a cat that needs a bath...aren't cats supposed to take care of that themselves?

4. Does anyone care about Paris Hilton...

5. All I ate yesterday was chips and ice cream...might be why I had a tummy ache.

6. The toe I broke in Texas is numb after all that riding...I guess I need to go see the Doc.

7. I miss the Chicken.

8. I'm SOOOO glad we are not rowing at the river this summer. I can't imagine wrangling the dock in all this rain.

9. I need a haircut.

10. There is a new movie coming out on Friday...about the mouse who cooks...looks cute. I think I'll take AJ and Austin.

11. Girl's weekend is less than 2 weeks away! New beds and the shitter works.

12. It has been hard to come up with 13 random things...perhaps I am not as awake as I thought.

13. None of the kids called this morning so I guess they figured it out!

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Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

independence day is my very favorite holiday of all. i know the fireworks are annoying though!

smiles, bee

MUD said...

Doesn't seem the same since there are no little guys to pop firecrackers with. We loved the fireworks display but now are generally reading by the time most people are outside watching the fireworks. My dogs don't like the pops either but they are outside so they just go in the dog house. If they pee in there it is their bed. MUD