No, I didn't die...
I finished all 200,000 meters on the 21st.
Drove to Texas with my sister, my 14 and 4 year old nephews and my 85 year old grandmother. Can you say, I need a beer!
Luckily my dad had some.
The food has been outstanding,
Christmas Eve and Christmas day were spectacular.
My little nephews, Andrew-4 and Stephen-3, are cute and smart and actually well behaved.
The older nephew, Austin-14, is now old enough to hang out with the guys and hold his own in the football, poker, fishing banter.
Grandma got up a 5am every morning and needed help with the coffee maker.
Santa (Dad in a Santa suit) visited on Christmas Eve right after dinner and you should have seen Andrew's eyes! Hook, line and sinker.
Austin and I have stayed in Texas and will fly home on Saturday. Just in time for me to spend New Year's Eve with the fine folks at fire station #10.
I hope you all had a fantastic holiday.
I'll be at ATC, on an erg, Tuesday Jan 2.
Happy New Year