Thursday, December 14, 2006

Our First Thursday Thirteen

There is a blog I like and they do a thing called Thursday Thirteen. I've been watching a few weeks now and I think I get it...if not, will someone please let me know.

Thirteen KCRC Things I'm Proud of This Year.
1. We rowed all year! No water problems keeping us out of the boats.
2. Our 1st National Championship (Summers and Liz in the double)
3. More Masters than Juniors at Frostbite.
4. The job our new, young board did in this year of change.
5. Our first fall rowing league.
6. Ending the season with some money in the bank.
7. Our July Summer camp with 12 kids.
8. The girls winning the Quad at the Head of the Oklahoma
9. Our graduated seniors kicking 'a' and taking names in college.
10. Two quads in the finals at Centrals last spring.
11. The Masters erging together in the off season.
12. Our new members.
13. The entire KCRC family!

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