Sunday, March 30, 2008

And She Recycles, Too

We've got another!

My roomie Amanda (my cousin as well) has started a blog.

Since it's warming up she shouldn't be complaining about freezing her buns off but i"m sure she will share a unique insight to the fur covered, animal filled place we call home.

Go take a look at Her Series Of Blonde Moments.

Friday, March 28, 2008

A Boy I Know

I cannot believe how quickly you are growing, changing.
I love you just the way you are.
But, I loved you at 1 and at 2 and 3 and 4 and 5.

I expect I’ll love you at 6, too.

You, you ARE 6.

Amazes me.

Happy Birthday Coconut!!

It's a Green, Green Life (Rock Chalk)

In the beginning there was so much to talk about.
How was I going to decrease my carbon footprint, lessen my personal impact on this earth?
Where would I put a recycling bin?
Exactly how DO you eat local and not go completely nutso?
Could I live without the dryer?
Could I break my addiction to ziplock bags?
I have, over time, found the answers to those questions and many others. It has not been hard or burdensome. It can be done.
There are other things I'm still working on. Composting, biking to work, etc.
But there is less to talk about. It's just the way I live.

Monday, March 24, 2008

My Mother...And Easter

My Mother is the never ending hostess.
If there is a holiday, a family event...a sunny Mom has people at her house. Feeding them, providing hostessness, drinks etc.

She always does it up on Easter. Quiche, potatoes and many other yummies. We all come over. Grand Parents, evil step sister et al, step brother and his darling children, sis and her crowd, worthless brother and the girl friend he doesn't deserve.

This year Kimmy was on call and I really wanted to spend Easter with her boys. We explained to Mom. She was disappointed but she loves us so it wasn't a huge deal.

I called her early. She was already. I so wished I was there. Often I spend the night before big gatherings. Getting up with her to help in the kitchen. Both of us cooking, drinking coffee, dancing around one another as we create a meal. I love this time with my Mom.

So I went to Kim's. We had Mom's recipes. We'd have her food. We put together the quiche and Kim had the potatoes ready.

Then the door bell rang.

Kenny answered and I heard a familiar voice.

My Mother entertained the whole family at her house. Cooked and fed them all.

And then got in her car and drove to KC because she wanted to be with her kids.

I have the BEST Mom!

I sure love her a lot.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Kansas advances to Sweet 16 with 75-56 victory over UNLV wasn't an easy one.

Rock Chalk

Please...please let us Rock Chalk!
(They've come out 0-3 in the first half against UNLV...thought maybe they needed an internet cheer)

Spring Break 2008

Before the wonder the girls are smitten.
After the haircut...I don't think his mom is gonna go for the straightened look.

A budding musician.
Cute isn't he? Unless he's glued to you for 5 days...

Gettin' some sun.
Notice the blue lips...not a reflection from the suit.

We had a GREAT time but it sure is good to be home.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Much To Do

Laundry, clean the car, buy dog food, water the plants, drop off the overflowing recycling, muck out the frig...oh yeah...pack.

The stinky nephews and I hit the road bright and early tomorrow heading to the great state of Texas to spend some time with my Dad.

It's a trip we've made before...with and without their parents.

Andrew looked at me with all seriousness "long car drive" he said.

He's right. 10 hours. But the payoff is huge.

Fishing, swinging, boat rides, maybe a little jet skiing if it's not too cold. I think we'll probably go to the aquarium, the Texas State Fisheries, ride bikes and just hang out.

I have a little anxiety about greeness. I've decided that I will make green choices for myself on this trip but I won't force it on the boys. I'll bring some snacks to cut down on the trash but drinks...honestly...a plastic bottle with a lid is probably a good thing for the boys...I'll just look away.

See ya later...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008's Wednesday already?

How'd that happen?

Been at the lake ya know. Lot's of rowing. Good stuff.

Go outside today, ya'll.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Sunday Musings From The Big Red Chair

"what did you dream about?" Andrew asked this morning almost before my eyes were open...long before my first cup of coffee.

He spent the night after we went to a party at Scott and Lisa's (9 or 10 kids...most little boys under 8)

It took me a while to remember but I dreamed of hummingbirds. I can't wait unitl they come back fo the summer. The soft humming of their wings. The zipping and zooming as they chase each other through the porch.

The tulips and the humming birds are my favorite spring things.

Kimmy came to pick him up and we lounged around on my big girl furniture for a while visiting.

Got to talking about recycling, etc...yeah...big shocker there.

I think the thing that has had the biggest impact on me is all of the reading I have done. Blogs and articles and whatnot.

Some scientific, some opinion, some preachy.

Knowledge is always good but is lack of knowledge an excuse?

One writer asked "when will we stop urinating in fresh, clean water?" Never really thought about it before...but isn't sanitation and disease control also our responsibility.

Someone asked me recently..."why so worried about water?" Doesn't it all stay here on the planet?

I suppose? I don't really know...

It takes resources to move and treat the water so it is safe for us to use. We are slowly depleating the water deep under the earth. But where DOES the water go?

So many people don't really understand what they can recycle.

And what that really means.

Is it okay to get a plastic bag if you 'recycle' it? IS it really 'recycling' if you fill it with trash and then throw it away. It ends up in the landfill either way...

Deffenbaugh Industries is the trash hauler for many of us.

Here is a list of what you can put in your green bin....

Advertising Inserts
Carrier Stock
Corrugated Cartons
Junk Mail
Manila File Folders
Office Paper
Telephone Books

#1 PET Plastic Containers
#2 HDPE Plastic Containers
Aluminum Cans
Steel (tin) food & beverage cans

Recyclables can be commingled loosely in the recycling bin.
Corrugated cartons should be cut or reduced to 2' X 2' and placed under the recycling bin.
All containers should be thoroughly rinsed.

Here is what they won't take:

Glass-(this can be taken to many recycling centers)
#3 - #7 Plastics (Try not to buy anything in 3-7 plastic)
Automotive Product Bottles
Carbon Paper
Construction Paper (I have been putting this in the green paper collectors at local schools...oops)
Deli or Salad Bar "Clamshells" (Bring your own container)
Drink Pouches (skip)
Egg Cartons (many local farmers markets will take these when you buy fresh eggs)
Film Canisters (who doesn't have digital?)
Foil (Many recycling centers will take)
Frozen Food Containers (yuck...fresh is better)
Frozen Juice Containers or Straws (fresh...hello)
Gift Wrap (wrap in brown craft paper)
Hanging Folders
Hardback Books (salvation army)
Microwave Trays (Yuck)
Motor Oil Bottles
Paper Plates or Cups (oh gosh...just use real stuff)
Paper Towels (I had decided that there are a few...feline intestinal issues that could sure use a paper towel)
Paperback Books (salvation army)
Plastic Bags (the grocery store usually has a bin)
Plastic Cereal Box or Cake Box Liner Bags (this one is hard...gotta have my cherios)
Plastic Lids or 6-Pack Holders
Scrap Metal (there is a place at 635 and Merriam Lane that will buy scrap metal)
Shredded Paper (the green paper bins at school will take shredded)
Tissue Paper
Vitamin or Prescription Bottles
Wax Cardboard
Yogurt or Margarine Tubs

Interestingly...Deffenbaugh won't pick up your glass but you can drop it off at their recycling center 8905 Kaw DriveKANSAS CITY, KS 66111

so...that's all I got.

Friday, March 07, 2008

"Tis The Season

The season for rowing.

Just a quick note to remind everyone that my life gets down right out of control this time of year and while I read all of your blogs and try to comment if I have any energy, I often go several days between posts of my own.

We spent our first afternoon at the new boatyard yesterday.

Oh my gosh! What a lovely place it will be to coach and row and learn! It's quiet, and private and tucked back in the woods. Not surrounded by concrete and cars.'s a bit like moving into a new house. Nothing is unpacked. The couch is upside down and the beds aren't put together.

It was fun to be there and the kids had a blast but there is a lot of work to be done. I hope to spend a lot of time there in the next week sorting through things and figuring out how to live in our new space.

I'll take some pictures this coming week so you can see how nice it is.

('s snowing again and it still sucks)

Monday, March 03, 2008

And yes...before Manda tells you...apparently I like to keep my conditioner in the refrigerator.

(anyone want to guess what season it is?)

Saturday, March 01, 2008