Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How To Answer Questions About Your Life

Spending time with cousins with whom you shared your childhood will answer questions you didn't even know you had.

Spending time with your grandmother will remind you how very, very lucky you are.

Long car trips will make you self conscious about weird speech patterns and wary of Sonic parking lots. ( and ending sentences with 'is'...see next)

Returning home to a gathering of your rowers will solidify how incredibly important the coaching is.

Petting the skinny, perfectly healthy cat you just spent $158 dollars on evokes the undeniable urge to drop kick him across the room. (kidding of course but I am irritated)

Sleeping through the night at the station will make you realize how happy you are to work at the little station on the edge of town.

Looking forward to math lab, making cupcakes, playing Uno and spending the afternoon with your favorite 1st grader will make your day.

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

You are the best I believe that was one happy 1st grader!