Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Because I Cannot Live On Peanut Brittle Alone

I know I said I wasn't leaving the house today but my BFF called and we met for a cuppa. She is, as always, my touchstone. We talked about the year behind us and the year ahead... And since I was out....some groceries were in order. I thought maybe I could sneak in a vegetable or two. Just for good measure.

I am home again...on the couch. The leftover Christmas soup on the stove, doggies at my feet and here I will stay.
Thankful in the waning hours of 2008 for my loved ones, my critters, my health and home. Thankful for my job. Thankful for my Dad's continuing health (we had a little scare today but all is well except a nagging, painful shoulder injury).
Happy New Year everyone...see you next year.


Sorry about not posting picture yesterday. It's the first day I've missed all month....

I spent the day in the car...and when I say 'the day' I really mean the DAY. It's a 9 1/2 hour trip no matter which route we take.

(We had a wonderful time in Texas visiting with the grandparents, aunt and uncles and cousin)

I was going to take a picture of the Welcome To Kansas sign but I couldn't bring myself to stop.

Then I thought I'd take a picture of the boys greeting their parents but I was to busy trying to stand up after sitting for so long.

Then I thought I'd take a picture of my house...maybe with the half unloaded car in the foreground...but I got home, loved on my dogs, patted the cats, talked to Manda and fell unconscious into my bed.

So...I'll take some pictures today...if I get off the couch.

Maybe I'll take a picture of the couch, hmmmmm.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Football In The Dark

With the grandsons of the next door neighbor. Reminds me of a lot of afternoons spent playing with Jeff and Jay Longhoffer....the grandsons of my grandparent's next door neighbor.

We've had a great time and are headed back north tomorrow. See you all soon.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

"Dad My Monkey Got Knocked Down"

That's just one of the funny, inexplicable things I've heard in the last 24 hours.Austin got his hair cut and they had some really groovy blue clips.
I still can't see his eyes.
(Kimmy I will try to get an after photo tomorrow)
Stephen DID NOT want to get his hair cut.
He won
Andrew got his cut and he did great.

Charlie worked on some ribs for dinner...the lights on the fence are pretty.

Stephen sure is cute.

A great sunset after a stormy day.
Again...too cute for words.
Smarty pants.
Opening some presents last night.
Andrew made Uncle Steve a special present.

Friday, December 26, 2008

It's A Very Long Drive

But we are finally here!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Hope yours was as good as ours.

Last Minute

A rare picture of a smiling teenager.
And of course...little brother.

We went out in the craziness yesterday for some last minute shopping.

Christmas morning picture to come...


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve

"So that's what Christmas is really all about," I said.
"Yeah, it's about giving," he replied hugging close to me.
We'd just taken some magnetic letters to the children's librarian at the library we like. We've spent many hours in their children's room. Spelling our names, figuring out how many 3 letter words we can make that start with 'c'. We always play some after we pick out books.
He gets as many books as years he is old. And I get to go with him.
The letters cost me $4 but the lesson will last him a life time.
Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Few Of My Favorite People

I've been coaching for many years and I have collected a wonderful group of young ladies who remain a part of my life and each others lives. We are friends. It's wonderful. Most holiday breaks we gather for breakfast at the same place at the same table. The girls are back in KC from the places they have scattered to and we make a point to meet at least once. The group changes each time. Today we missed Summers, Elizabeth and Adrienne but some of us got to meet mister Jake for the first time.
I guess when my rowing kids have their own kids...they are kind of my...'grand rowers'.

No matter what I call him...he sure is darling.

It's great to catch up...they are finshing college, beginning college, starting families, changing the world.

I am so proud of all of them.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Let The Wrapping Begin

Sorta takes the joy out of it.
Maybe I just need a nap.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cookies Today...Soup Yesterday

I spent today with my sister and her family (Happy Birthday Kenny!) and Amanda making cookies, decorating our KC stockings, bowling a few games on the Wii and playing a little drums for Rock Band.
It was just the kind of day that makes me feel like it is truly Christmas. Busy and loud...full of food, drink and family.
Some little mint chocolate short breads cooling next to the jam thumbprints...yummy.
The favorite!

Kim's tree is so pretty.

We have some great stockings but they are in Texas where we usually are for Christmas. We needed stockings and Kim found some plain red ones really cheap.
We all had a hand in the decorating...aren't they great!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Soup Today...Cookies Tomorrow

Tis the season for much time spent in the, baking and washing dishes.
Today was our annual Petty Christmas with my Mom's side of the family. We always bring soups and other treats, have a great white elephant exchange, share some books and just enjoy each other for a few hours.
Thanks to the Craig's (Dan, Carrie, Owen and Joe) for hosting.
As Manda just said "Our family is hilarious."

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Story Behind The Picture

So most of you know that I have been partaking in a little December photographing...what you don't know is what I've done for some of these photos.

You don't know about the cute photo I just tried to take of Rescue on the couch ("in our house dogs are strictly forbidden from the furniture....yeah right") but when I got up to get the camera she also got, over.

You don't know about how, when I tried to take a picture of the fuzzy blanket I'm making for a little green loving nephew, my camera battery was dead and I had to stop working on the blanket for like almost an hour while the battery charged.

You don't know about how I had to ask the girls at the gym for permission to take the picture of the bikes and then I had to talk to the manager and he asked a bazillion questions.

You don't know how I had to take pictures with my IPhone of Andrew walking home from school in the snow because I can't remember to take my camera everywhere.

You don't know about how the little slice of nutcracker that everyone thought was creepy was from the very first day of this project and I posted it because I'd been too busy to get anything else.

You don't know about the picture of Jack on my feet was really supposed to be a picture of both Jackie and Gus but....again....when I got up to get the camera, Gus left.

So...there is always a story behind the picture...