I've been working on this post in my head for several days. I knew what I wanted to say but I couldn't put the words together.
This picture was taken with my camera phone and as I was trying to figure out the whole Bluetooth operation, the words came together.
To me, this is the face of courage. This little guy is scared to death. But I think it was the "I'm riding this rollercoaster if it kills me" kind of scared.
He doesn't like loud noises, doesn't care for heights, docks, boats or anything that moves with out his control.
But he loves his Aunt Jenn and so wanted to go see the 'rowin' kids'. He knew it meant getting into the small coaching launch and he was willing to give it a try.
We went early to let him feel it out (and so Uncle Asa would have time to come get him if he couldn't do it).
He took his time. I didn't rush him. Tried to talk about things to distract him from his fear. I let him come to me. Told him he could walk out to the dock and if he was scared I'd call Uncle Asa. Told him to take a look at the boat and if he didn't want to get in I'd call Uncle Asa. Asked him if he wanted to just get in...we didn't have to go anywhere. Sat next to him and snugged him in close and asked if we could push away. If he got scared we'd go back. Asked if we could go just across the marina to the rowing dock.
Went all the way across the marina and then all the way out to the lake for practice. He spent the beginning plastered up against me, very quiet. Then slowly he slid over to the side. Found the paddle and began 'rowing'. By the time practice was over he was talking to his 'rowin' kids' and smiling ear to ear.
We talk a lot about 'self confidence'. But I really think the real issue is Courage.
Courage to try. Courage to succeed. Courage to fail. Courage to just do.
You have to be brave enough to walk out onto the dock.
At some point so many of us get our self image tied up with our successes and failures. If we get beat it means we aren't good enough, don't count, don't matter. SO not true.
You have to know that if Uncle Asa comes to get you, you are still loved. You need to know you have the option.
I think sports can teach children (and adults) that they matter, they are great, they have value...no matter where they fall in the competitive hierarchy. But only if the coaches and parents understand how important it is.
Someone needs to stand on the dock and show you it can be done.
THE most important thing is the doing, the participation. Getting started is often the hardest part.
Don't be afraid to walk out on the dock...the boat ride is totally worth it!