Thursday, December 17, 2009

DPP Day 16...Or, The One Picture I Took Today

Yep, just one. Not a couple for good measure. Or several of the other activities of the day.
Just this one.
My zany friend Beth was tending the fire and she crawled up on the hearth and she just looked so...Beth like.
On the third Thursday of every month we gather at Beth's house. We call it Opinions Unlimited. Because we all have unlimited opinions.
Have you met me?
Tonight's topics ranged from undescended testicles and parenting advice to nature vs nurture and the reasons for buying good cheese.
I was planning to take my camera and to try to get a nice close up of all these folks I've come to love so much.
But I forgot it.
But I had my point and shoot...which takes nice pictures and I took the one above. Then put it down as I became distracted by stories of step parenting, the only black family to live in the neighborhood I grew up in, how to cook a Erma Bombeck Thanksgiving, Beth's sister-in-law's hair on Jeopardy, personality tests, exiting the recliner competitions...and chocolate.
There's always chocolate.
So you just get the one very mediocre picture today.
I promise to do better tomorrow. We've rented a bus and we're going caroling. With beer.


Unknown said...

A good picture nonetheless. Caroling with beer? A photo op fer sure!

Kathy said... that a yoga position? I wonder what it's called.

Unknown said...

How about "I can squat like a child, but can I get up?"