Saturday, February 16, 2008

Jock Straps....Everywhere

Just imagine this nice floor imagine it with underware and jock straps hanging on it. Yep, jock straps. And those were the clean ones...

Just a little a glimpse of my day yesterday...oh, it gets even better.


Rebecca said...

You were at the fire house right?

Jenn said...

Actually...on a call. One of many.
Most I can't even put into words...but imagine a paramedic who could be replaced with a cinder block and sleeps sitting up on the couch, crazy ambulance calls involving a 400lb woman and bitchy nurses, small fires at transmission shops where even the dirt burns, middle of the night calls where there are 6 people sleeping on the living room floor and not eating dinner until 9pm.
Some days we really earn our money.

Cindy said...

I hear ya on earning your money on some days - I have at least one it seems like every day. Actually, tho I wanted to comment on the floor lamp thing - now I wouldda thought you'd be commending them on using this item for a "drying" apparatus, you know, using less electricity and all..................